Harness the Power of Listening Intelligence to Transform your Company with Clear & Immediate Results
You are only as Strong as your Team’s Ability to Communicate Skillfully

The Problem All Companies Share: Miscommunication!
We aren’t taught to listen. Most people talk more than they listen. Or they listen while thinking about what they’re going to say next instead of focusing on what they are hearing.
The typical business professional only retains about 25% of what they hear because they lack seasoned listening skills.
Poor listening creates misunderstanding and miscommunication. Wasted time and wasted resources directly impact the bottom line of every organization. The consequences can be dire.
Miscommunication leads to…..
- Lost sales & dissatisfied customers
- High employee turnover
- Conflict in teams & departments
- Poor decision-making
- Clearly diminished productivity
Every year Fortune 500 companies lose an estimated $37,000,000,000 due to Poor Listening.
When Miscommunication hits your bottom line, it’s time for change. ECHO Listening Intelligence™, presented by Sapphire Coaches, is powerful technology that addresses the problem at its source – the way we communicate with each other. It helps transform companies & organizations into communication dynamos. The results are tangible. Insightful business leaders are using ECHO Listening Intelligence ™ to empower their people to be better communicators with this scientifically validated technology.

Let's Listen
Benefits of Fixing Poor Listening & Miscommunications
- Direct, Measurable Impact on Company Sales & Customer Satisfaction
- Higher Productivity & Use of Resources
- Happier Employees & Company Culture
- Less Conflict, More Collaboration
- Clear & Measurable Improvements in Decision-Making
What Is ECHO Listening Intelligence™?
Listening is a 100% trainable skill that goes far beyond simply “paying attention” or applying “active-listening”. Listening occurs on a cognitive level in our brain and like a fingerprint, no two brains are alike. Each person hears things in their own unique way. That’s why highly competent people can leave the same meeting with varying understanding of what was said.
Think of ECHO Listening Intelligence ™ as listening Agility. You learn to dynamically shift your default listening habits in conversations based on the context and people involved. With proper training and practice, you significantly improve your ability to communicate with others. The results can be remarkable and often are.
Properly applied, ECHO Listening Intelligence™ training has the power to shift companies by creating change at the source – people. The solution is in the name ECHO – Effective Communication for Healthy Organizations.

Solve The Miscommunication Problem Once & For All!
Talk to an ECHO Listening Intelligence expert at Sapphire Coaches.
We want to hear your story. Our training programs are presented by a diverse team of working professionals at Sapphire Coaches. We come from many interesting places with decades of real-world experience in corporate leadership & training. If you have the time, we enjoy sharing our story. And most importantly…….
Let’s begin to Solve the Miscommunication issue by relieving the pressures that come with poor listening. Let’s turn around the negative consequences and costs of misunderstanding.
Our collaborative focus will be on the immediate impact an ECHO Listening Intelligence program can create within your company or organization.
Take The ECHO Listening Profile
Take the ECHO Listening Profile assessment today and save 50% – just $199. It takes 10 minutes or less to complete and you’ll receive:
- The ECHO Listening Profile assessment
- A full customized ECHO Listening Profile report
- A one-hour ECHO debrief session with a certified ECHO Listening Profile expert